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The Gremlin Muse

I've said many times that my muse IS the gremlin on my shoulder... but what does that mean? And... am I being honest? First, what is a...

Don't Quit, Think About It Brother

That title's from a song: 'Don't quit, think about it brother, but don't quit' Everybody reaches that point where they are thinking...

How To Sift Through Writing Advice

When you start reading about writing, and watching videos about writing… you’re going to get tons of contradictory advice. It seems like...

Repetition and Repeating Yourself

Very often I find myself repeating the same thing, just in different words. You annoy your readers when you insult their ability to...

Chapter Hooks

As a novelist, comprehension of hooks is super important, but stopping at having an early hook for your novel is not enough. I'm of the...

Plotting VS Pantsing

You will hear and see tons of advice on this topic, and much of it one sided. Clearly… my advice is going to be backwards. First, if you...

Novel Pacing

There's a huge difference between excellent pacing as Stephen King... and excellent pacing as Joe Shmo. The distinction I'm trying to...

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